====== Welcome to the Elder Scrolls General Website! ====== The site has undergone a change in management and a massive overhaul! Most of the Skyrim pages are now finished being rewritten! Here's the link to the [[https://web.archive.org/web/sitemap/https://www.tesgeneral.com/|Old site version]]. Links maybe be broken and things may not display properly. Blame wix. ---- ====== Most Recent Changes ====== {{rss>https://tesgeneral.com/feed.php 8}} ---- ====== Community Tutorials and Links ====== * [[Follower Guide|Follower Guide]] * [[Credits|Credits and Community Links]] * [[Waifus|Waifus]] * [[Husbandos|Husbandos]] * [[Skyrim Followers|Skyrim Followers]] ---- ====== Skyrim ====== * [[Essentials|Essentials]] * [[Gameplay|Gameplay]] * [[Creatures, NPCs and Players|Creatures, NPCs and Players]] * [[Immersion|Immersion]] * [[Quests and Lands|Quests and Lands]] * [[Graphics|Graphics]] * [[Armor|Armor]] * [[Armor Graphics|Armor Graphics]] * [[Weapons|Weapons]] * [[Weapon Graphics|Weapon Graphics]] * [[Animations|Animations]] * [[Fun Mods|Fun Mods]] * [[Unrecommended Mods|Unrecommended Mods]] * [[Paid Mods|Paid Mods]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ|Sex Mods]] ---- ====== Oblivion ====== * [[Oblivion Essentials|Essential]] * [[Oblivion Essentials|Gameplay]] * [[Oblivion Essentials|Graphics]] * [[Oblivion Essentials|Quests and Enviroments]] * [[Oblivion Essentials|Misc]] ---- ====== Morrowind ====== * [[Morrowind Essentials|Essential]] * [[Morrowind Immersion|Immersion]] * [[Morrowind Creatures and NPCs|Creatures and NPCs]] * [[Morrowind Gameplay|Gameplay]] * [[Morrowind Quests|Quests, Landmasses, Content]] ---- ====== Daggerfall ====== * [[Daggerfall Essentials|Essentials]] ---- ====== Other TES Games ====== * [[Arena|Arena]] * [[Shadowkey|Shadowkey]] * [[Redguard|Redguard]] * [[Battlespire|Battlespire]] * [[Castles|Castles]] * [[Dawnstar/Stormhold|Dawnstar/Stormhold]] * [[Legends|Legends]] * [[ESO|ESO]] * [[Blades|Blades]] (I actually forgot this one existed until my GF reminded me it exists)